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Student Members Meeting

Meeting for student members of the university's students union to discuss upcoming events and initiatives.
Your Students' Union

What is Student Members Meeting?

The Student Members' Meeting is the Annual General Meeting of Birmingham City Students' Union.
It's a forum where Trustees and staff can present information including accounts, affiliations and the work that's been done for our members during the current academic year. It also allows students come together to help to determine the direction of Birmingham City University Students’ Union for the next twelve months.
Any student can attend the Meeting and have their say on the items discussed. The Union is a transparent organisation which is run by the student population and this is a great opportunity to have a hands on impact on democracy and on the way your Students’ Union is run. 
In unusual circumstances BCUSU may hold additional Members’ meetings. Such meetings shall be called and held in accordance with our By-Laws.


Student Members Meeting 2024

  • Friday 26th April 2024 
  • 3pm-6pm
  • Steamhouse CST008 (City Centre Campus)

All related files are available for download below: