Empowering Students, Enhancing Lives!
Why do you want to run for this position?
As the current VP Equity & Inclusion, running for VP Student Welfare. I will continue to empower marginalized voices & tackle inequalities. I'll champion diverse representation, equity, education & advocacy. Your welfare is my top priority!YOU first!
What would your priorities be if you were elected?
As a passionate advocate for student wellbeing, I will use my expertise in inclusivity, creativity, event planning & project delivery to enhance student support, effective feedback & welcoming campus for all. I’VE DONE IT BEFORE & I CAN DO IT AGAIN.
What skills and experience do you have that would make you a good Officer?
Empowered to stand tall, I'll champion students' needs! I’ll amplify voices, break barriers & prioritize mental health. With leadership, teamwork & communication skills, I'll advocate for inclusivity, diversity & equity, dedicated to better welfare.