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  • Download our BCUSU app for easy access to society events and elections
  • Download our BCUSU app for easy access to society events and elections
  • Download our BCUSU app for easy access to society events and elections
  • Download our BCUSU app for easy access to society events and elections
  • Download our BCUSU app for easy access to society events and elections
  • Download our BCUSU app for easy access to society events and elections
  • Download our BCUSU app for easy access to society events and elections
  • Download our BCUSU app for easy access to society events and elections
  • Download our BCUSU app for easy access to society events and elections
  • Download our BCUSU app for easy access to society events and elections

Candidate for the position of Vice President Equity & Inclusion

Ethan smiling at camera

Ethan Tindall

Why do you want to run for this position?

After spending 4 years as a student at this university, I have very much enjoyed my time here, but I believe there are some changes that can be made to try to ensure future students have an even better time here.

What would your priorities be if you were elected?

Ensuring the voice of seldom heard from communities reaches the relevant authorities. Providing and maintaining easy to access help centres and charitable organisations. Advising committees on EDI issues. Providing safe spaces on all campuses for all

What skills and experience do you have that would make you a good Officer?

I am the P&I officer for the tabletop society and was the diversity officer for the LGBTQ+ society in 2022/23. Outreach and inclusion work in the NHS COVID-19 vaccination service. I am kind, friendly, organised and want to make a difference.