Get ahead of the game by learning what to know before running for elections.
Running in our Officer Elections could be the next step in your student journey. Becoming an Officer is a great way to gain experience, develop your skills, represent students and be a voice for change, all while earning a £24,241 salary.
Whether you want to host your own events, activities or workshops, or want to make long-term changes to university by working with BCU executives, this could be a perfect role for you!
Here are 5 things to know before running for elections:
1. Understand the Roles
This year we have 5 roles available to run for:
It’s important to understand the role you will be applying for. Not only so that you can create an effective campaign, but to ensure that you have a role suited to your interests and skills that you would like to develop.
Want to know what role suits you?
Take our personality quiz which will match your choices with one of our Officer Team positions.
Complete our quiz
2. Make Note of Key Dates and information
Don’t wait until the deadline to write your manifesto/ nominate yourself, keep track of key dates so that you feel well prepared during your campaign journey from nominations to voting period.
Check our page to view important dates and information such as FAQs and salary.
All candidates will answer our manifesto questions and stand in our Officer Elections, to win votes from other students. Remember, if elected, you will need to defer a year or take it as a graduate role.
View key dates here
3. Consider your manifesto
A manifesto is a written statement publicly outlining the aims and intentions of a political candidate. As part of our Officer Elections process, we ask you 3 questions which will help build your manifesto:
Why do you want to run for this position?
What would be your priorities be, if elected?
What skills and experience do you have that would make you a good Officer?
Here are some helpful tips to consider:
Focus on key student issues, which match the role you’re interested in. The issues could impact all BCU students, or just a specific demographic of students.
How will you work with BCUSU and the University to address your issues? Be ambitious but realistic.
4. Prepare your Campaign
So, you’ve done the quiz to find the best role suited for you, read the key information and understood the process, it’s time to prepare for your campaign. Here are some ways to effectively campaign:
Start early: Build a campaign plan, what would you like to change or improve about the student experience that is tailored to the role you will be applying for, and in your manifesto. What will be your key messages and promotional tactics?
Know your audience: Different groups on campus have different needs. Tailor your campaign to resonate to a wider range of students on campus.
Use the best communication platforms: Now you have your message, what's the best way to promote your message? Is it word of mouth, in person campaigns, social media? Is it an informative video or a fun video to show your personality? A great campaign has a mixture of all to ensure your message is being communicated effectively.
5. Have Fun
Despite the competitiveness of running for elections, running for elections should be a fun and creative process.
Whether you win or not, you still would have developed core skills of campaign running which can be added to your CV.
Remember, if you’re unsuccessful during our Elections, you can still make change at university. We’re constantly looking for feedback and each student has a voice. We collect your feedback through our regular surveys and through our Rep System.
You can speak with your Course or Lead Rep, or become one yourself. We also have campaigns throughout the year which you can be involved with, check out our Liberation Societies for more information.
Ready to Nominate?
These are all the things you need to know before nominating yourself. All that’s left to do is nominate!
You’ve got this!
Nominate Here