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BCUSU is a student-led organisation, so we need your ideas! By posting ideas here you can help to improve student experience, for yourself and others.

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  • 29 score
    29 voters

    Campus Maps Online

      Finding rooms on any BCU sites can be a struggle. Having the complete floorplans of each floor in every building on the iCity app or website could help so much. Buildings such as Millennium Point are almost impossible to navigate especially for first year students. Even students who are familiar get confused. Having access to site maps that are updated regularly would be incredibly helpful.
    Ali Noorani
    6:02pm on 3 Mar 22 floor plans on the iBCU app would be really useful. The app could implement a feature like highlighting the room the student is supposed to be in by looking at their timetable. It could help many people be on time to lessons, especially to first years that are just getting around to learning the routes of the campus.
    Grace Reynolds
    10:51am on 21 Apr 22 This idea has been passed by the Officer team and they have agreed to work with our Marketing and Communications team on getting it implemented through the BCU website or app.
    Grace Reynolds
    10:42am on 31 May 22 Interactive campus maps were discussed at a series of University Transition workshops led by Julie McLeod so it could be something the University work on. We will know more when we get the feedback from the final workshop/
    Jade Langton
    2:46pm on 5 Jun 23 Current progress is that the campus maps have been uploaded onto icity, and the university and officer team is currently working hard to update out-of-date campus information and provide the most accurate and up-to-date information. The President had discussions with BCU Estates regarding the update of floor plans and their subsequent upload onto the app. However, it was noted that current difficulties exist as the floor plans cannot be zoomed in on the app. Nevertheless, efforts are being made to explore alternative options and find a viable solution to advance this idea.

    How it works


    Submit an idea... anything that could improve student experience is a valid idea.


    • You must be a BCU student, logged in using your student account
    • You can choose to submit anonymously, so your name won’t be displayed.
      BCUSU staff will still be able to see your name and email to contact you



    You will be contacted by one of the Activities and Representation Coordinators to discuss your idea and make any relevant changes to it.


    Your idea then goes live, here on the Ideas Board for other students to vote and comment.

    It will be live until:

    • it reaches 25 positive votes
      or your idea has been live for 6 months (whichever comes first)
    • Students can vote with a thumbs up (agree) or thumbs down (disagree)
    • Votes and comments will help the Executive Officer team make decisions



    If your idea reaches the 25-positive vote threshold:


    • it will be handed over to the Executive Officer team for review
    • they will discuss the idea and decide what action to take
    • the comments section will be updated with the agreed upon actions

    If an idea is raised to hold an Executive Officer to account, and it gains 25 positive votes, it will be reviewed at Scrutiny Group.

    For more information, please review our byelaws.



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