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  • 50 score
    52 voters

    Gender Neutral Toilets on All Campuses

      The Students' Union should put pressure on the university to provide gender-neutral toilets across all campuses, these should be specific all-gender facilities, not all-gender signs on accessible toilets, and these facilities should be easily signposted. Gender-neutral toilets are important as they give individuals who do not feel comfortable using single-gender facilities a safe environment. This is especially important to the trans & non-binary students & staff at BCU, who face regular barriers to feeling included on campus.
    Sage Devereux
    9:52am on 22 Jan 22 As a nonbinary person this is so important to me. With students like me being signposted to the accessible toilets it makes me feel like I am using a toilet that someone needs more than me, especially if there isn’t another one nearby. gender-neutral toilets that aren’t just disabled toilets with an added sign are so important. Especially when there are posters asking students not to use those accessible toilets if they don’t have accessibility needs.
    Tee Wilson-Radcliffe
    9:50pm on 22 Jan 22 The toilets in the conservatoire section of millenium point were perfect, no gender split at all, and complete privacy in each stall. With the move to perry barr, then bourneville and eventually digbeth, the gender neutral toilets or lack thereof have not been the highest priority, but as a nonbinary student, they are incredibly important to me feeling safe and respected within university grounds, this needs to be addressed
    Grace Reynolds
    3:02pm on 27 Jan 22 This Idea has passed the 16 vote threshold and will now be discussed with the officer team at BCUSU
    Erin Dawson
    3:50pm on 24 Feb 22 As a Horology Student in the School of Jewellery, and founder and president of the BCU Horological Society, I cannot express in words my desire to see measures such as these implemented in our school. I am aware that such measures, or similar, have already been implemented in other areas of the University, however I have yet to see any news on plans to introduce ideas such of these to my place of study. I know for a fact, that I, and others, would most appreciate this courtesy being extended to our school, and support it wholeheartedly, not only to improve our time studying at BCU, but to improve the quality of life of students that would be negatively affected were these measures not introduced. In short, I, and several others, unequivocally support the motion suggested, and would move Heaven and Earth to the best of my ability to see them implemented.
    Jade Langton
    2:44pm on 5 Jun 23 The Students' Union has been continuing to collaborate with the university and engage stakeholders, including the EDI Team for the past 2 years, to implement policies supporting gender-neutral toilets. The forthcoming university staff Trans policy will further reinforce this commitment. The Student Experience Committee is actively pursuing updates on this matter, and efforts will be made to follow up with necessary information. In discussions with the university, considerations have been raised regarding the placement of gender-neutral toilets in buildings to ensure inclusivity for all individuals. The Students' Union acknowledges previous concerns about the comfort of Islamic women in relation to gender-neutral facilities and aims to address these concerns appropriately without compromising equality and inclusivity.

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    Submit an idea... anything that could improve student experience is a valid idea.


    • You must be a BCU student, logged in using your student account
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    You will be contacted by one of the Activities and Representation Coordinators to discuss your idea and make any relevant changes to it.


    Your idea then goes live, here on the Ideas Board for other students to vote and comment.

    It will be live until:

    • it reaches 25 positive votes
      or your idea has been live for 6 months (whichever comes first)
    • Students can vote with a thumbs up (agree) or thumbs down (disagree)
    • Votes and comments will help the Executive Officer team make decisions



    If your idea reaches the 25-positive vote threshold:


    • it will be handed over to the Executive Officer team for review
    • they will discuss the idea and decide what action to take
    • the comments section will be updated with the agreed upon actions

    If an idea is raised to hold an Executive Officer to account, and it gains 25 positive votes, it will be reviewed at Scrutiny Group.

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