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  • 56 score
    56 voters

    Basic First Aid Training

      It would be good if the Union provided free First Aid training, in case you see an accident and are first on-site. You can help and tell others how to help no matter how serious or minor the situation. Basic training could help save lives.
    Muna Mohammed
    12:59pm on 7 Mar 22 Agreed, this would be good for teacher trainees too!!!
    Solomon Olatunde
    1:16pm on 7 Mar 22 Great idea!
    Megan Najran
    1:29pm on 7 Mar 22 It would be great to go into any profession and be trained in first aid!
    Sairah Qureshi
    1:37pm on 7 Mar 22 I agree, this is essential for students to learn!
    Fleur Pomponne
    1:38pm on 7 Mar 22 This would be so beneficial!
    Sant Singh
    1:39pm on 7 Mar 22 Yes, I do agree and endorse providing Free First Aid Training with proper certification. It should be a training with valid certificate which could be used as First Aid at work place which will make it more interesting and meaningful.
    Matthew Pritchard
    1:39pm on 7 Mar 22 Brilliant idea.
    Sara Asim
    1:43pm on 7 Mar 22 Definitely agreed with this concept! It would be very helpful for most people to have first aid training
    Ram Singh Walia
    2:08pm on 7 Mar 22 Good one
    Olugbenga Sulaiman Akala
    2:20pm on 7 Mar 22 It is a good idea even for all and sundry to have a knowledge of a first aid training. It has saved lives before the arrival of medics. Imagine if there weren't any trained persons except professionals? I submit
    Nathen Birkett
    2:29pm on 7 Mar 22 Great idea
    Hifsa Sajjad
    2:31pm on 7 Mar 22 It’s a very good idea.
    Tooba Qadeer
    2:52pm on 7 Mar 22 Appreciated..
    Anja Smeding
    2:52pm on 7 Mar 22 It is a very good idea!
    Brad Thomas
    4:13pm on 7 Mar 22 There's been 3 instances where my basic first aid training has helped me while I waited for an ambulance. If this is provided and certified it would be invaluable
    Kashif Ali
    4:25pm on 7 Mar 22 It will be very helpful for every individual in his personal life as well as the part of society, so I think it is a big step to save the humanity and serve in better way,strongly agree with the idea should be execute.
    Chan Pei Xuan
    10:20pm on 7 Mar 22 Yes , it would be a very meaningful events
    Shelby Mooney
    10:33pm on 7 Mar 22 Great idea.
    Emily Bassett
    7:35pm on 8 Mar 22 Great idea, this would be perfect for my course.
    Grace Reynolds
    10:20am on 24 Mar 22 This idea has passed the 16 votes required to be passed to the executive officer team they will discuss it at their next meeting.
    Polly Jones
    4:19pm on 31 Mar 22 This idea is hugely important, and paid first aid training can litterally save lives!
    Grace Reynolds
    11:26am on 3 May 22 This Idea has been passed by the officer team and they are exploring the options for how to impliment this across BCU.
    Jade Langton
    4:09pm on 5 Jun 23 The President is working with the BCUSU Marketing team to upload Basic First Aid training materials and resources on the BCUSU website, ensuring that they are easily accessible to all individuals
    Union President
    12:25pm on 26 Jun 23 The BCUSU Marketing team has recently uploaded essential First Aid training materials and resources onto the BCUSU website. You can access these valuable resources by following this link:

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    Submit an idea... anything that could improve student experience is a valid idea.


    • You must be a BCU student, logged in using your student account
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    You will be contacted by one of the Activities and Representation Coordinators to discuss your idea and make any relevant changes to it.


    Your idea then goes live, here on the Ideas Board for other students to vote and comment.

    It will be live until:

    • it reaches 25 positive votes
      or your idea has been live for 6 months (whichever comes first)
    • Students can vote with a thumbs up (agree) or thumbs down (disagree)
    • Votes and comments will help the Executive Officer team make decisions



    If your idea reaches the 25-positive vote threshold:


    • it will be handed over to the Executive Officer team for review
    • they will discuss the idea and decide what action to take
    • the comments section will be updated with the agreed upon actions

    If an idea is raised to hold an Executive Officer to account, and it gains 25 positive votes, it will be reviewed at Scrutiny Group.

    For more information, please review our byelaws.



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