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  • 18 score
    18 voters

    Lecture Recordings

    • Lobbying
    • Policy
    At the moment, lectures are not being recorded. This may be due to attendance related issues, but last year I struggled to attend due to the lack of reliability of the trains, and I know so many others who are also in this position.

    This would mean that in order to catch up, I would have to research the subject area independently, and most times I would be unsure if I was recording the correct information. I know many other students who are also experiencing this.

    As a result of struggling during the first semester, I decided during the mid-module evaluations of the following semester to raise this issue. When my seminar leader for one of the modules talked us through the most common evaluations of the module, the most raised was the fact the lectures were not being recorded, and he said he would raise this issue. I was hopeful that this would change as the new semester started, but it has not.

    Furthermore, I believe that recording the lectures simultaneously as they present the lecture would also help students with certain learning difficulties such as dyslexia to be able to go back over the lecture as many times as they wish and revisit to re-write their notes and see which parts of the lecture match to which slides to be able to gather a better understanding.

    Some lecturers do allow you to record the lecture if you are present, but at times it can be difficult to hear parts of the lecture due to a variety of issues, such as other students talking. Having a recording of the lecture where the lecturer is speaking directly into the microphone would allow students to go back and listen back to the parts they could not hear both at the time, and on their recording.

    If there are issues with attendance with those who have no excuse to come into campus, I believe this problem should be resolved with those individuals. This is the only university that I am aware of which does not record lectures, and this is unfair.

    When I speak to others who attend other universities have their lectures recorded, and a student who attended BCU a few years ago informed me they were being recorded at the time. This should be changed to be recorded again.
Kenisha Simmons Simmons
12:48pm on 18 Oct 24 I agree we should record lectures.
Parris Parmar
2:37pm on 18 Oct 24 I think this would be very helpful I agree, lectures should be recorded
Emma Hawthorne
1:39pm on 25 Oct 24 I totally agree and think this would benefit commuters who can't always get in
Scarlett Donnelly-Crawford Donnelly-Crawford
1:39pm on 25 Oct 24 slay!!!!!

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It will be live until:

  • it reaches 25 positive votes
    or your idea has been live for 6 months (whichever comes first)
  • Students can vote with a thumbs up (agree) or thumbs down (disagree)
  • Votes and comments will help the Executive Officer team make decisions



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  • it will be handed over to the Executive Officer team for review
  • they will discuss the idea and decide what action to take
  • the comments section will be updated with the agreed upon actions

If an idea is raised to hold an Executive Officer to account, and it gains 25 positive votes, it will be reviewed at Scrutiny Group.

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