External Speaker Requests

Image of people planting a tree

BCUSU facilitates a large number of external speakers every year and has policies and procedures in place to help protect freedom of speech within the law.

We are committed to empowering and supporting our clubs and societies to bring a variety of speakers onto that stimulate debate and further non-academic development for the benefit of our students.

External speakers are defined as anyone who is not employed by BCU or BCUSU, or who is not an enrolled student at BCU, who is invited to speak on campus or at an online event. 


Requesting an External Speaker

In order to request an external speaker, you should fill in the External Speaker Request Form below, with a minimum of 10 working days notice.

Please note:

  • You must seek approval for all external speakers through this process, and you may not publicise your event or your speaker until they have been approved.
  • Your requested speaker must agree to follow the Union's Code of Conduct if your request is approved.
  • If your submission is not filled in correctly, or with enough detail, we may need to reject your form - in this case, you will need to resubmit your webform, and this may result in your event being postponed.
  • Failure to disclose full details about your external speaker may result in the event being cancelled, and referral to the Union for disciplinary action. .

Requests will be considered in line with the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023.

This act makes provision in relation to freedom of speech and academic freedom in higher education institutions and in students’ unions.



Submit an External Speaker Request