Associate Membership

Image of people planting a tree

BCUSU offers an associate membership programme to allow BCU staff and alumni access to some of our sports clubs and societies.

Our primary function is to provide services for current BCU students and we have to make sure that the associate member's inclusion enhances the opportunity and experience of those students without removing opportunities for them.

Please carefully check your eligibility below before applying.


  • Any current member of BCU or BCUSU staff is eligible for associate membership.
  • Alumni of Birmingham City University are eligible for associate membership for a period of three academic years following their graduation.
  • Anyone with conferred Honorary Membership of BCUSU is eligible for associate membership on a recurring basis - however this membership will need to be renewed annually.


In addition to the standard rules and regulations we expect all our members to abide by, there are additional conditions that apply to Associate Members:

  • Associate Members may not represent BCU or BCUSU in competitions, including competitive sporting events.
  • Associate Members may not hold office within BCUSU or its affiliated clubs or societies.
  • Associate Members may not manage the finances of any BCUSU affiliated club or society.
  • Associate Members may not vote in any BCUSU elections, or the elections of its affiliated clubs or societies.

By becoming an Associate Member of BCUSU, you also agree to follow the published Code of Conduct for students. Associate Members not meeting this code of conduct will have their membership revoked and any issues arising may be passed to their line manager as necessary.

Membership Fees

Rates for Visiting or Associate Membership of the Union are as follows:

BCUSU/BCU Staff: £5.00 per year academic year
Alumni: £5.00 per year academic year
Honorary Members: £0.00 per academic year

Memberships will expire automatically on 31st August each year, regardless of start date. 

The fees above are for Union membership only. Successful applicants will also need to pay the individual membership fee of any society they wish to join.