Event Description


Speed Friending drop-in

Embrace the chance to connect to other students in a relaxed setting!
Wednesday 18 September 2024 noon - 12:30pm Curzon Building (C027)
Graphic for BCUSU's Speed Friending drop-ins


Looking for someone to walk around the Big Welcome Fair with? Join our drop-in at Curzon ground floor

We understand that making new friends can feel a bit daunting…So, join our easy going speed-friending event, designed for everyone. Take a step towards meaningful connections and finding new friends. 

Ready to make new friends in no time? We've got you covered with our speed friending event.

Here's how it works: 

  • Rotation: You'll sit with others in pairs and chat for around 3-5 minutes

  • Icebreakers: Start conversations with fun questions – hobbies, movies, travel – you name it!

  • Timer: Switch partners when you hear the bell – it's time for a new chat

  • Meet many: Rotate through various pairs, meeting a bunch of awesome people 

  • No pressure: Feel at ease! This is all about having a blast, breaking the ice, and enjoying the moment

  • Friendship details: Note down contacts of people you connect with

  • Follow-up: Reach out after to arrange hangouts, chats, or activities 

Feeling nervous? We get it... And that’s totally normal. Come along and see how it goes, this is a great way to expand your social circle! 

Find our next Speed Friending event

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