As well as providing extra cash while you study, paid work paid work experience will also contribute towards your CV and make you more attractive to future employers
Take precautions whilst looking for jobs online, to avoid falling victim to scammers. Figures say that the most defrauded job-seekers were between the ages of 18 and 25 when job hunting online. Here are some top tips to avoid being scammed.
If you're an international student you need to make sure you've got permission to work.
The University Careers+ service is not just about graduate jobs. Their online jobs portal also has part-time and voluntary positions. Careers+ can also help you with the following:
- Career options and planning
- Job search
- Work experience, placements and internships
- CV help
Jobs on campus
All student jobs on campus are arranged through Manpower, the student employment agency. Examples of jobs on campus are Ambassador roles with the BCU Student Recruitment Team, see here.
It will speed up your application if you are already liaising with Manpower about getting registered. We recommend you email and tell them you want to work while you study. You can then complete your Manpower registration while you apply for one of the roles.
BCUSU employ our students in a variety of roles. See our current vacancies.
Other job sites
There are lots of job sites to choose from but some of the most popular are: