You will not normally be able to receive student finance payments during a period of suspension. Your eligibility for student finance will normally stop on your last date of attendance (see above) and payments will normally resume when you return (see below).
Students who interrupt due to health grounds are entitled to further funding for 60 days after the date of suspension (i.e. SFE has to pay you your funding).
While there is no automatic access to student loans or grants during a period of interruption, in cases where this will cause financial hardship you can write to SFE to request they consider providing ‘funding through a period of interruption’. You should apply to:
Student Finance England
PO Box 210
Darlington DL1 9HJ
Points to include are:
- Reason for interruption and evidence, e.g. ill health;
- Length of interruption; and
- Evidence of financial hardship, e.g. 3 months bank statements, a copy of your rent agreement if you need to carry on paying rent, your availability to do paid work.
Contact the Advice Team for further advice and help with this.
Our advisers will also be able to advise you whether you fall into one of the categories of students who are eligible to receive benefit payments during your absence (e.g. single parents, disabled students, pensioners, student couples with children, etc). The rules are complicated and you should seek advice from the Advice Team.