ECs claims are made on the mySRS portal. Log in and find Extenuating Circumstances under the ‘Support’ tab at the top. Click for guidance on how to use the claim form, found on iCity. If you’re struggling with the form, our Advice Team can help you or check our helpful guide below
How much detail do I need to give?
We suggest writing several sentences that are brief but factual without losing any key information. Ideally, you need to cover:
• what the circumstances are
• when the circumstances occurred (this may be an exact date or a period of time)
• how they affected your ability to study for the assessment(s) you are claiming for
You don’t need to go into great detail about the history of your circumstances. More important is what is happening now or recently that has affected your ability to study.
Which attempt do I choose?
You will be asked which module(s) and assessment(s) you want to apply for. If you’ve already had several attempts at an assessment, you need to choose the assessment attempt that was affected by your circumstances. This will usually be your most recent attempt. However, there are instances in which you can also ask for other older attempts to be to be considered. If unsure, talk to our Advice Team.
What can I claim for?
Here’s an explanation of the options:
• Extension - provides you with an extra 10 working days to submit an assignment. You can’t get an extension for a resit or for an exam.
• Review of Performance - that attempt is not considered a fail and you do it at the next opportunity, e.g. during the summer.
Another way review of performance can be used is if you think your studies have been affected but you’re not sure how much so you still want to attempt the assessment. If the claim is successful and you subsequently pass, your overall performance for the year will be looked at, and that piece of work compared to it. If the grade for that work falls 2% or more below your yearly average, you will be awarded another optional attempt. You can then choose to take that attempt again or stick with your pass grade.
• Disability related repeats and remarks – you should choose this option if you’ve recently had a Disability Support Summary (DSS) put in place and want to ask for an earlier attempt(s) you did without support to be ignored or remarked. If considering this option, it is best to talk to our Advice Team.