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Contact Us

Information, Advice, Guidance, Support. We are here to help point you in the right direction.
Your Students' Union

BCUSU Reception is here to help you!

Find us on campus:

location Curzon Building, First Floor, City Centre Campus. Monday - Friday, 9am - 4:30pm

location Seacole Building (SCT041), Ground Floor, City South Campus. Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm

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Call or email:

0121 331 6801 or fill in the form!

  • Joining or starting a society

  • Society support for room bookings, student group finances

  • Becoming a Rep

  • Dissertation research projects

  • General BCUSU or BCU enquiries. If we can't help you directly we'll put you in touch with the right team

Please click here if you have experienced any form of bullying, harassment, hate crime or sexual misconduct. This is not an emergency response system, if you are at immediate risk, please call 999. If it is not an emergency but you need support from campus security call 0121 331 6969.

Are you interested in promoting your brand or hosting an event at BCUSU. We invite you to book a stall or event with us! Our campus is bustling with students, making it the perfect platform to reach your target audience.

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